Sunday, September 12, 2010

Our experience of leading a LAB Session.

Well,writing a blog over your experiences can sometimes be the hardest task in the world..though in our case that isn't true..

We would first like to tell everyone what we felt about this idea of students leading Lab sessions.It was not a surprise as coming from Amarjeer sir,we do expect some interesting ideas that structure his teaching style.Though we would want to mention that he has his boundations. We all were soo happy that SM course would not have a theory exam,but then there are some college rules(and we all hate them). So,finally SM has it's theory exam.But about the part that SM is focussed about i.e. PRACTICALS , we can just say that students acting as LAB INSTRUCTORS not just gets in a sense of responsibility in us but also it gets us into the instructor's shoes and have the experience,know what an instructor has to go through before and during the session,the hardwork that is put into it. And for sure,now we actually know that it's not just about those 2 hours in the's much MORE..

And we can bet.. Once one goes through the experience,the training by Arjun bhaiya and Samy sir,feels the heat for 5-6 long hours,and then the practice and structuring of the lab session at home.., he can understand that it is not an easy job.It automatically makes you respect ur peers too when it's their chance to lead the lab session when it's their chance.

We got our chance ,finally, in the 4th lab session that was about
utilities in Linux and windows.Well,at first look,anyone would find the windows part pretty boring,because we've been doing it all these years,though the LINUX part was new to us.
Once Samy sir started,we were a little amazed,both of us never knew that a tast manager could do soo much in windows,or may how can we utilize a task scheduler,it was fun then.However,the LINUX part was much more intensely taught,most of those things that we never knew.It was too not even 2 hours that all of us got so tired that we asked sir for a pool break,we played some pool and then we were back in form.haha..3 more hours after that and we all went back,it was raining and all of us really enjoyed the trip back to our homes.

Well we had almost a week to prepare the lab session as group I used to have it's lab session a week later than every other group. So,the week just went by,and it was weekend already,we called each other up and structurised the whole lab session,we decided that I would do the LINUX part and Apoorv ,the WINDOWS part.We also decided how much time we would spend on each topic and we were done.It took us almost 2 hours to structure that and then another 4-6 hours for getting into the details of each command.Also,we just revised everything we wanted to do the next day.

Finally,It was the D day,23rd August,Lab session 4,Computer Lab -1.We had almost full strength that day and it was really funny when each of them wished us ALL THE BEST before getting into the lab.We started on a very DHAMKI-BHARA note that "Please co-operate with us and grade us whole heartedly,and remember,you will also be standing here sooner or later"..hehe..

We started and felt it was going very smooth,with I and Apoorv doing all the topics together regardless of it was of WINDOWS or LINUX because we were now thorough we all the topics and all the utilities.It was annoying to have Akshit asking funny questions but we never let our emotions let go,it was also making us nervous when Amol or Adway would ask a technical question,but then we could answer all the doubts without fail and it felt really awesome..It was a fulfilling experience to see everyone learning,enjoying and we were the instructors(The best part)..Well,this was something that the two of us would never forget as it was us,who were teaching our peer group,helping them as if we were the bonds of those utilities..

All we can do now,is thank Amarjeet Sir for giving us the opportunity,the chance to experience what he luckily experiences each day.

Thank you.
Arjun and Apoorv
Group -I

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