Sunday, September 19, 2010

Our experience of leading lab session -5

I and my partner, Nikhil kumar lead the lab session 5 for group 3.The lab session was the one on Linux commands.We basically discussed some Linux commands and then concentrated on sed, grep and awk commands.Here are some of our experiences :

On the training day, when I saw the questions in the handout , they seemed really tough.But after some time, after we got used to the commands and a bit of help from our T.A. and google ;) , we were able to solve most of the problems. But it took a lot of time , about 5 hours(although we spent 1 hour playing table-tennis).

And now , the "D-day" (as coined by some of my peers) arrived. We were kinda nervous on that day, because we weren't sure if we would be able to explain everything.We started after everyone was on their seats and had a terminal. I started off with the basic commands and then went over to explain basic usage of sed, grep and awk commands.Then Nikhil took over and gave the class the questions to solve . We tried to and hopefully clarified the doubts of everyone.Everyone surprisingly co-operated with us even when we had exceeded the usual time limit of the lab. I was impressed by the enthusiasm shown by some of my friends in learning the usage of commands.
Overall , it was a very good experience and we got to learn a lot from it.Plus , I didn't had to study extra for my lab exam;)

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