Hi every one!!
Here I am going to tell u something about the new OS by APPLE.As we all know that Mac OS is one of the best OS available in market , so similarly apple comes out with another more simple, reliable, easy to use OS i.e Mac OS X SNOW LEOPARD
But the question arises that ” Why do we need it & How is it different from others??”
So to answer this i would like to highlight few advanced features that MAC OS X SNOW LEOPARD has in comparison to MAC OS X
New looks, new expose & stacks
U can view all open windows in stunning style with a single keystroke.
What is expose??
We can say expose is a sort of feature that unshuffles overlapping windows on your desktop into an organized thumbnail view, so you can quickly locate and switch to any window or get to any file on the desktop. This feature is the one which attracted the whole class during one of the lectures of Amarjeet sir.
For example, say you’re a Keynote maestro and often have up to a dozen documents open at the same time. Exposé makes finding the one you need incredibly easy. Just click and hold the Keynote icon in the Dock, and Exposé tiles your Keynote windows while causing the windows of other applications to fade away. The clutter cleared, you can easily find the document you need. A click makes it the active window, and pressing the Space bar gives you a full-screen preview of the window. Prefer keyboard shortcuts? You can tile application windows with a keystroke, too.(SOURCE:OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF APPLE)
Faster to wake up and shut down.
With Snow Leopard, your Mac wakes from sleep up to twice as quickly when you have screen locking enabled. And shutting down is up to 80 percent faster which saves lot of time.
Easy text editor
In general it is not easy to edit a pdf file without having a particular software but with advanced features of snow leopard, it is available with OS itself.
More efficient file sharing.
The Bonjour technology in every Mac makes file and media sharing virtually effortless. Now Bonjour in Snow Leopard makes sharing more energy efficient. If you have a computer in your home or office that shares files — like media files for your Apple TV — you have to leave the computer on all the time, which isn’t very energy efficient. With Snow Leopard and a compatible AirPort Extreme or Time Capsule base station, however, your computer can go to sleep yet continue to share its files with other computers and devices, waking when you need it and sleeping when you don’t.
More reliable disk eject.
Snow Leopard improves the reliability of ejecting discs and external drives. Sometimes when an application or process is using the files on a drive, Mac OS X prevents you from ejecting it, but you don’t always know why. In Snow Leopard, you’ll get fewer of those errors and when you do get them, you’ll see exactly which application is using the drive, so you can quit it and eject the drive properly.
Automatic updates for printer drivers.
Snow Leopard makes sure you always have the most up-to-date driver so you can get the most from your printer. When you plug in a printer, Mac OS X can download the latest driver available over the Internet. And it periodically checks to make sure it has the latest driver. If not, it downloads the newest version through Software Update.
Automatic time zone setup.
If you’re traveling around the world, the last thing you want to worry about is whether your computer is set to the correct time zone. Snow Leopard takes care of that for you. Using the Core Location technology, it locates known Wi-Fi hotspots to set the time zone automatically, so you’ll always know the right time no matter where you are.5
The right service at the right time.
The Services menu in Mac OS X lets you use features of one application while working in another. In Snow Leopard, services are more simplified, streamlined, and helpful. The Services menu is contextual, so it shows just the services appropriate for the application you’re using or content you’re viewing rather than all available services. You can access services with a right click of your mouse or Control-click of your trackpad. You can configure the menu to show only the services you want, and you can even create your own services using Automator
Ready for next generation
The entire computing industry is moving from 32-bit to 64-bit technology, and it’s easy to see why. Today’s Mac computers can hold up to 32GB of physical memory, but the 32-bit applications that run on them can address only 4GB of RAM at a time. 64-bit computing shatters that barrier by enabling applications to address a theoretical 16 billion gigabytes of memory, or 16 exabytes. It can also enable computers to crunch twice the data per clock cycle, which can dramatically speed up numeric calculations and other tasks. Earlier versions of Mac OS X have offered a range of 64-bit capabilities. Now Snow Leopard takes the next step in the transition from 32-bit to 64-bit.
Built-in applications like finder,mail,safari,ical,& ichat are now 64-bit which increases speed & eficiencyfor the future.
The 64-bit support in Snow Leopard completely ready for whatever computing enhancements might arrive in the future. For example, Snow Leopard is ready to support up to 16 terabytes of RAM — about 500 times more than today’s Mac computers can accommodate.
Voice over technology
This spl feature which enables computer to receive commands verbally. It is also beneficial for blinds because of the control your computer using gestures on a Multi-Touch trackpad even if you can’t see the screen. The trackpad surface on your Mac notebook represents the active window on your computer, so you can touch to hear the item under your finger & can , drag to hear items continuously as you move your finger, can hear how items are arranged & lot more.

Voice over offers easier & faster web browsing, it can read the whole web page by just accepting gestures . Snow Leopard fully supports HTML web tables without the need for a forms or table mode. You navigate tables using the same commands you already know. You can hear the contents of a table, including the column title and column and row number, by dragging your finger across the trackpad or using simple keystrokes. It also includes vice over tutorial .
More Braille support greater collaboration |

Snow Leopard introduces a new feature, called braille mirroring, that enables multiple USB braille displays to be connected to one computer simultaneously. It’s perfect for classroom settings, where teachers can lead all of their students through the same lesson at the same time, even if the students are using different display models.
There are so many other features but its already too long as a blog so I have to restrict myself here only with a warm welcome to all sort of comments & questions which can help to improve & enhance knowledge.
So, can you explain why you've copied and pasted stuff verbatim from http://www.apple.com/macosx/technology/ and http://www.apple.com/macosx/refinements/ , with less than 20% of the content being your own?
ReplyDeletecoz its my first blog & i found this stuff in a very simplfied form as u can see so there is no point of simplification further.whereever i felt the need of doing it i have done that so its not just about posting a blog, its about letting everyone know about this os through this source of blogging. thats why ihave mentioned the source so that anyone who is interested can go in more depth.
ReplyDeleteYou do realise that less than 20% of the content is your own, and blog posts are supposed to be your own content, right?
ReplyDeleteSo, in your opinion, if someone copies an entire article from somewhere just because "it's in a very simplified form", it is justified to copy the thing entirely?
i think lokesh instead of copying the entire data what u would have done is like u might have written your views about this OS and would have given a link for more info.
ReplyDeletethat would have been a more decent way..
other wise it was an informative one...
thanks for your suggestion kashish, i'll keep this point in my mind for next blog post.
ReplyDeleteArjun, stop being such a cynic!! I believe blogging is supposed to get the right content to us... be it copied or original.. so as long as Lokesh has provided the links he has used, there shouldn't be much of a problem...
ReplyDelete@ Harshit: You do realize Arjun is our TA in System Management (a 3rd year student), right?
ReplyDeleteBesides, why would anyone believe that blogging is supposed to get the right content to you???
Do you even know the basic definition of a blog??
Providing links isn't the point. The author of a blog post is supposed to write stuff on his own 'using' the information he has acquired previously. I have copied stuff, but there's a limit. This post seriously has gone way beyond that limit.
If you just want the link, then the author could have just e-mailed you that link.
Just try and figure out what a blog(blend of web log) is....
@ Arjun: Oh!!! I do apologize, Arjun bhaiya for my exceptional use of language... but I still hold my stance as to the copied content stuff. It may be copied a bit too much, but it's better than searching for the topic on the net, when I can see it all on a blog. Do you agree???
ReplyDelete@Manish: I do realize now... and what purpose does blogging serve if it doesn't make us understand better the topic??? Writing in your own way using much the same terms as teh source is just the same as copying straight!!!
@Arjun: I didn't know you were a senior... I thought you were a classmate by the same name!! I apologize again...
ReplyDeleteI'd never read such a never ending "limozionous" article...
ReplyDeleteAnd btw why are we all fighting over the basic definition of blog?
ReplyDeleteIf we get the stuff rught isn't our motive successful?
@Harshit: Apology accepted. But I do not agree with your point.
ReplyDelete@Manik: "Limozionuos" is not a word. No, claiming that it is derived from the word "limousine" still does not make it a word. I would've smacked you with a dictionary, but for now a link to http://oxforddictionaries.com should suffice.
@Harshit and @Manik: "Getting the stuff right" doesn't always make the motive successful. Try surviving in the computing field with this attitude. You'll either end up behind bars or waist-deep in lawsuits.
@Arjum: I guess you're right... but, I must say, what's the point of anyone's research if it can't be used by anyone else?? Do we have to start from the beginning all the time?? You see, even if one copies only a bit, the only difference the guy can make from the other guy's article is the language...
ReplyDeleteSo I think there should be an end to these useless lawsuits stuff... though I must say this blog does NOTHING to help at all!!!! :-p
That's why I have put it in quotation marks.I know its not in dictionary but I couldn't think of a better word.
ReplyDeleteI think he has mentioned the source so I don't think its illegal?
Is it?
ReplyDelete@Manik: I realised that. Just to clarify, my statement was made in jest.